  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Mail & Deploy has its own user management. Every user who wants to connect to Mail & Deploy (either through the user interface using a web browser or programmatically using the API needs to perform Authentication, which means that he has to prove (e.g. by providing a valid username and password) that he is a valid Mail & Deploy user.


Every user has the following properties:

NameThe name of the user. This is a free text which is not used for Authentication.
Match CodeThe match code of the user; this is an additional identification property for that user which can be used to match that user through different methods (e.g. when finding matching e-mail recipients when using a Send E-Mail Action).
TypeThe type of user (see below).
E-Mail AddressThe e-mail address of the user.
LanguageThe language of the user; if the user logs on to a user interface of Mail & Deploy it will be displayed in that language.
Time ZoneThe time zone of the user.
CultureThe culture of the user.
ThemeThe Theme in which the user interface of Mail & Deploy will be displayed when that user connects.
Has Windows AccountWhen enabled, the user is connected to the windows account specified in property Account Name. This property needs to be enabled in order to allow the user to use Windows Authentication when connecting to Mail & Deploy.
Account NameThe name of the windows account to which the user is connected.
Has Custom CredentialsWhen enabled, the user has a custom username and password combination that can be used to perform Custom Authentication when connecting to Mail & Deploy.
Custom UsernameThe custom username of the user.
Custom PasswordThe custom password of the user.
Access KeyThe access key that can be used to perform Access Key Authentication when connecting to Mail & Deploy.

User Types

Every user has one of the following user types:

AdministratorUsers of this type automatically have all permissions in Mail & Deploy.
Standard UserUsers of this type may only perform operations for which they have an Authorization.
API UserUsers of this type cannot connect to any user interface of Mail & Deploy but are allowed to use the API.

Managing Users

There are three ways to manage users in Mail & Deploy.

Management Service

You can connect to the Management Service user interface of Mail & Deploy and click the Users item in the main menu. This will provide you with a list of all users currently known to Mail & Deploy.


Only users of type Adminstrator may manage user groups through the Management Service. If you don't see the Users item in the main menu, the most likely reason is that you are not a user of that type.

From the user list, you can then start to edit or delete existing users as well as create new users manually.

User Directory Synchronization

You can synchronize users with User Directories by manually clicking the Synchronize button in the user directory management user interface of Mail & Deploy or you can use a Synchronize User Directory Action in a Task.

Identity Provider Just-in-Time Provisioning

Users can be created through just-in-time provisioning after successful authentication through an Identity Provider.

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