Send E-Mail
  • 03 Dec 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Send E-Mail

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Article summary


This type of action can be used to send an e-mail.


This type of action has the following properties:


E-Mail ServerThe E-Mail Server to use to send the e-mail.
Use Custom Sender and Reply-To AddressesWhen disabled, the e-mail will be sent using the default sender and reply-to e-mail addresses of the E-Mail Server. When enabled, you can specify custom e-mail addresses. This property can only be set by Users of type Administrator or users who have the Specify Custom Sender/Reply-To E-Mail Addresses workspace authorization.
Custom Sender AddressAn Expression that evaluates to the custom sender e-mail address of the e-mail. This property is only applicable if Use Custom Sender and Reply-To Addresses is enabled.
Custom Reply-To AddressAn Expression that evaluates to the custom reply-to e-mail address of the e-mail. This property is only applicable if Use Custom Sender and Reply-To Addresses is enabled.
Send E-Mail even if there are no attachmentsDetermines whether the e-mail shall be sent if there are no attachments.
SubjectAn Expression that evaluates to a string that contains the subject of the e-mail.
Body TypeExpression. If you choose this option, you can specify an Expression that returns a string that contains the HTML code of the body of the e-mail.

HTML Report Document. If you choose this option you can select a previously created report document in HTML format to use for the body of the e-mail.

PNG Image. If you choose this option you can select a previously created report document in PNG format (from an Microsoft Excel Report) to use for the body of the e-mail.
Version 3.5.9 and higher.
BodyAn Expression that returns a string that contains the HTML code for the e-mail body. This property is only applicable if the Body Type is set to Expression.
Body Report DocumentThe report document in HTML format to use as the e-mail body. This property is only applicable if the Body Type is set to HTML Report Document.

Or the report document in PNG format, if the Body Type is set to PNG Image.
Version 3.5.9 and higher.


You can specify zero, one, or more attachment specifications to add attachments to the e-mail. Every attachment specification has the following properties:


ConditionAn optional condition Expression; if it returns True or 1 the condition is considered to be fulfilled and the files resulting from the attachment specification will be attached to the e-mail. If it returns something other than True or 1 the specified attachment will not be added to the e-mail. If you leave this property empty, the condition is considered to be always fulfilled.
Content TypeThe type of content you want to attach to the e-mail (see below).

Attaching a Report Document

If you want to attach a previously created report document (e.g. created using a Create Report Document Action) to the e-mail, you have to specify a Content Type of Report Document. The property Content will be available which you can set to the report document you want to attach. An additional property Name needs to be set to an Expression that returns a string that contains the name that the attachment shall have in the e-mail.

Attaching an External File

To attach an external file, set the Content Type to External File. A new property Content Path will be available that needs to be set to an Expression that evaluates to a string that contains the local or UNC file path to the external file to be attached. Also, the property Name needs to be set to an Expression that returns a string that contains the name that the attachment shall have in the e-mail.

Attaching a File Collection

If you want to attach all files contained in a File Collection, set the Content Type to File Collection. A new property Content will be available that you can set to the file collection whose content to attach to the e-mail. The names of the individual attachment files will be equal to the names of the files within the file collection.

Attaching a Zipped File Collection

You can attach a ZIP file that contains all files of a File Collection by setting the Content Typ to Zipped File Collection. A new property Content will be available that you can set to the file collection to zip and attach to the e-mail. Also, the property Name needs to be set to an Expression that returns a string that contains the name that the attachment shall have in the e-mail.


You can specify one or more recipient references to specify recipients for the e-mail. Every recipient reference has the following properties:


TypeTo. If you choose this option, the specified recipients will receive the e-mail as normal recipients.

Cc. If you choose this option, the specified recipients will receive the e-mail as carbon copy.
+Bcc. If you choose this option, the specified reccipients will receive the e-mail as blind carbon copy.
SelectorDetermines how recipients are specified (see below).

Expression Returning E-Mail Address(es)

If you set the Selector to Expression Returning E-Mail Address(es) you can set the Expression property to an Expression that returns one or more strings containing e-mail addresses.

The following expression, for example, returns a single string that contains an e-mail address:

Mail & Deploy Expression


The following expression return a list of two e-mail addresses:

Mail & Deploy Expression

CreateList("", "")

Expression Returning User Name(s)
If you set the Selector to Expression Returning User Name(s) you can set the Expression property to an Expression that returns one or more strings containing the names of Users.

The following expression, for example, returns the name of a single user:

Mail & Deploy Expression


The following expression returns a list of two user names:

Mail & Deploy Expression

CreateList("Bob", "Sue")

Expression Returning User Match Code(s)

If you set the Selector to Expression Returning User Match Code(s) you can set the Expression property to an Expression that returns one or more strings containing the match codes of Users.

The following expression, for example, returns the match code of a single user:

Mail & Deploy Expression


The following expression returns a list of two user match codes:

Mail & Deploy Expression

CreateList("User123", "User456")

Expression Returning User Group Name(s)

If you set the Selector to Expression Returning User Group Name(s) you can set the Expression property to an Expression that returns one or more strings containing the names of User Groups.

The following expression, for example, returns the name of a single user group:

Mail & Deploy Expression

"User Group 1"

The following expression returns a list of two user group names:

Mail & Deploy Expression

CreateList("User Group 1", "User Group 2")

Selected Users And/Or User Groups

If you set the Selector to Selected Users And/Or User Groups you can select one or more Users and/or User Groups.

Custom Headers

This page allows you to add custom headers (each having an expression for a name and one for its value) that will be added to sent e-mails.

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