Save Splitted Report Document To File System
  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Save Splitted Report Document To File System

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Article summary


This type of action can be used to splitted parts of a previously created report document to the file system.

Example: Let's suppose you have created a report document using a Create Report Document Action which results in a PDF file with 5 pages. If you want to save each of these pages individually to the file system, you can use this action.

The following table shows which file types are supported to be splitted and how they will be splitted:

File Type

Adobe PDF DocumentSplitted by page.
Microsoft Excel WorkbookSplitted by worksheet.
Microsoft PowerPoint PresentationSplitted by slide.
Microsoft Word DocumentSplitted by page.


This type of action has the following properties:


Report DocumentThe report document that shall be splitted and saved to the file system.
Target File TypeThe file type in which to save individual splitted parts to the file system. The available file types depend on the file type of the splitted report document.
DPIThe DPI in which to render the individual part images. This property is only available if the property Target File Type is set to an image file type.
Output PathAn Expression that returns a string that contains the output path for individual files (see below). The file type extension does not have to be returned by the expression, because Mail & Deploy will add it automatically based on the selected Target File Type. Mail & Deploy will automatically create required sub-directories.

Output Path Expression

Within the Expression of the Output Path property an additional parameter PageNumber is available that contains the page number of the processed part.


Let's supposed you have the following expression:

Mail & Deploy Expression

"C:\Temp\Report\Page_" & [PageNumber]

This would lead to the first page to be exported to C:\Temp\Report\Page_1, the second page to C:\Temp\Report\Page_2 etc.

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