Create Report Document
  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Create Report Document

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Article summary


This type of action can be used to create a report document from a Report or from a single Datasource object (i.e. a single visualization of a datasource).

General Properties

This type of action has the following general properties (for specific properties see below):


Document NameThe name of the created report document. This is not the file name and is only used to reference that report document from other actions of the same task (e.g. if you want to save the created report document to the file system using a Save Content To File System Action.
ModeThe mode that determines how the report document will be created.

Create From Report. If you select this option, the report document will be created from a Report (see below for more information).

Create From Datasource Object. If you select this option, the report document will be created from a single Datasource object (i.e. a visualization in a datasource; see below for more information).

Creating Report Documents from a Report

If you set the Mode to Create From Report the report document will be created from a Report. The following additional properties are available:


ReportThe Report from which the report document shall be created.
File TypeThe file type in which the report document shall be created. The available file types depend on the Report from which the report document shall be created.
Parameter ValuesA list of parameter values you can supply to the report Parameters.
File Type SettingsSome file types support File Type Settings (e.g. a password with which to protect the report document if it is created as Adobe PDF Document) which can be specified.

Creating Report Documents from a Datasource Object

If you set the Mode to Create From Datasource Object the report document will be created from a single Datasource object.

Example: Suppose you want to create a PDF file that only contains the graphical representation of a single bar chart that is contained in a datasource; in that case it is not necessary to design a Report to get the desired result; you can instead create the report document from that bar chart.

The following additional properties are available:


Datasource ObjectThe Datasource object (e.g. a bar chart or other visualization) from which the report document shall be created.
Document TitleAn Expression that needs to return a string that contains the title to assign to the created report document. ????TODO???? explain where the title is used.
File TypeThe file type in which the report document shall be created. The available file types depend on the Datasource object from which the report document shall be created.
Export As TableIf you select this option, the actual data behind the visualization will be contained in the report document rather than the graphical representation; in that case, not all file types are available.
If you select this option, the actual data behind the visualization will be contained in the report document rather than the graphical representation; in that case, not all file types are available.If you select this option, the actual data behind the visualization will be contained in the report document rather than the graphical representation; in that case, not all file types are available.
Page OrientationThe page orientation with which the report document shall be created; this property is only applicable for file types that support page layouting (e.g. Microsoft Word Documents).
File Type SettingsSome file types support File Type Settings (e.g. a password with which to protect the report document if it is created as Adobe PDF Document) which can be specified.

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