Introduction to Mail & Deploy API
  • 16 Apr 2024
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Introduction to Mail & Deploy API

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Article summary


Mail & Deploy provides an API that allows 3rd party developers to connect to Mail & Deploy and perform operations programmatically. To use the API, the following requirements must be met:

  • An endpoint for the API Service needs to be configured in the Server Settings.
  • You need a User with a user type of API User or Administrator to connect to the API.

A basic API call has the following format:

Basic API Call URL


The individual properties of the API call are:


methodThe Method to call.
additional_parametersAdditional parameters required by the called method.

In addition to the additional parameters, some API calls also require to POST data.


The API supports the following two Authentication Methods:

  • Access Key Authentication
  • Custom Authentication

Data Structures

When data is exchanged between the API and the caller of the API, JSON data structures are used (with the exception of query parameters).


An interop structure represents a single entity that is exchanged between the API and the caller. The basic JSON format of an interop structure looks like this:

InteropStructure JSON Format

"$interoptype": "<interop_structure_type>",
"Property1": "Property1Value",
"Propertyn”: “PropertynValue”,
"Version": "dd409e67-6ad1-4724-b048-f0a836d4cf34",
"Id": "99c20bac-5b47-4ba9-a9d2-0ee25d5eaa25"

The must-have parameters of every interop structure are:


$interoptypeThe name of the interop structure type that the JSON string represents.
VersionA GUID that identifies the version of this interop structure. You can set this to a random GUID.
IdA GUID that uniquely identifies the interop structure. You can set this to a random GUID to persist new entities and to a known GUID to update existing entities.

An overview of all available interop structure types can be found in API Documentation which you can open by double-clicking the file SDK\Docs\API Documentation.htm in your installation directory.


This type represents a collection of zero, one, or more interop structures. The JSON format of an interop structure collection looks like this

InteropStructureCollectin JSON Format

"$interoptype": "InteropStructureCollection",
"$iteminteroptype": "<interop_structure_type>",
"Items": [

It has the following properties:


$interoptypeThe name of the interop structure type that the JSON string represents; for interop structure collections this is always the constant text InteropStructureCollection.
$iteminteroptypeThe name of the type of interop structures that the interop structure collection holds.

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