Server Settings
  • 26 Aug 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Server Settings

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Article summary


The server settings contain many basic configuration properties of Mail & Deploy server.

Managing Server Settings

To manage server settings you have to connect to the Management Service of Mail & Deploy, click the Settings item in the main menu, and then click the Server tile.


When you change some of the server settings Mail & Deploy Server may have to be restarted; this will lead to all currently running executions to be immediately aborted. It is advised to change the server settings at a time where no executions are running.


Server settings have the following properties:

Authentication Properties

The following authentication properties can be set:


UsernameThe name of the windows account to use as the Service Account.
passwordThe password of the windows account to use as the Service Account.

These properties are not available in the SaaS version of Mail & Deploy.

Network Properties

The following network properties can be set:


FQDNThe fully qualified domain name of the computer on which Mail & Deploy is installed.
Enable HTTPWhen enabled, Mail & Deploy services can be reached using HTTP.
HTTP PortThe port on which Mail & Deploy services can be reached using HTTP. This property is only applicable when the property Enable HTTP is enabled
Enable HTTPSWhen enabled, Mail & Deploy services can be reached using HTTPS.
HTTPS PortThe port on which Mail & Deploy services can be reached using HTTPS. This property is only applicable when the property Enable HTTPS is enabled.
ThumbprintThe thumbprint of the SSL certificate to be used. This property is only applicable when the property Enable HTTPS is enabled. You can click the  button to create a self-signed certificate for testing purposes; this certificate will only work on the computer on which Mail & Deploy is installed.

These properties are not available in the SaaS version of Mail & Deploy.

Debugging Properties

The following debugging properties can be set:


Enable Debug ModeWhen enabled, Mail & Deploy will dump additional debug data into the Debug\Dumps directory within the installation directory.

These properties are not available in the SaaS version of Mail & Deploy.

Service Endpoint Properties

Every Service provided by Mail & Deploy can be reached through endpoints. An endpoint is a combination of the following properties:

  • A protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) used to connect to the endpoint
  • A port used to connect to the endpoint
  • A URL folder used to connect to the endpoint
  • A Service provided on that endpoint
  • An Authentication method to use when connecting to the endpoint.

The syntax for an endpoint URL is:

Endpoint Url


your title goes here

Example: If you set up and endpoint for the Management Service for HTTP with port 14999 using windows authentication with a URL folder Management/Windows then you will be able to reach that endpoint using the URL http://host:14999/Management/Windows.

When you use default ports (80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS) then you can omit them from the URL. Every endpoint has the following properties:


URL FolderThe URL folder on which the service can be reached. This needs to be unique; no other service endpoint can have the same URL folder.
ServiceThe Service provided on the endpoint.
Authentication MethodThe Authentication method to use when connecting to the endpoint.
User DirectoryThe User Directory to use for authentication. Not all types of user directories support authentication.

Additional Settings Properties

The following additional settings properties can be set:


Session TimeoutThe session time-out in minutes; this applies to UI sessions (such as the management service and the hub service).
Default CultureThe default culture applied when formatting numbers and dates in Reports and Tasks (unless using the Format function in an Expression with an explicit culture or when using an Active Culture Action to activate a different culture).
Default E-Mail ServerThe default E-Mail Server which will be used for sending e-mails (except for Send E-Mail Actions where you can specify the e-mail server to be used). This property is only applicable if there are at least two configured e-mail severs.
Repository Clean-Up HourThe hour of the day at which the Repository will be cleaned up by deleting data that is no longer needed.
Parallel ExecutionsThe maximum number of executions that may run at any given time. The maximum available number of executions depends on the License.
Activate Datasource Object Library Document ExpirationWhen enabled, report documents created from Datasource objects will have an expiration date after which they will be deleted from the Library of a User.
Maximum AgeThe maximum age of report documents created from Datasource objects will have an expiration date after which they will be deleted from the Library of a User. This property is only applicable if the property Activate Datasource Object Library Document Expiration is enabled.

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