  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary


The Server hosts numerous services. These services can be divided in two types:

Service TypeDescription
User Interface ServiceThis type of service provides a user interface to which Users can connect using their web browser to edit data in Mail & Deploy.
Programmatic ServiceThis type of service does not provide a user interface and you can only connect to it using a programming or scripting language.

Service URLs

Every service can be reached using a URL that is specific for that service. The general format of that URL will be:

Url Components


The individual components mean:

protocolUse http if you connect to Mail & Deploy using HTTP, otherwise https to securely connect to Mail & Deploy. Which protocols may be used depends on the Server Settings.
hostnameThe host name or IP address of the computer that runs the Server.
portThe port on which the Server runs; the port can be configured in the Server Settings and can be ommitted in the URL if it's the default port for the associated protocol (e.g. if your server runs on port 80 and you use protocol HTTP, you don't have to specify the protocol).
urlfolderThe URL folder that identifies the service you want to connect to and which Authentication method you want to use.

Example: Suppose you have installed Mail & Deploy on a computer named MDEPLOY and the Server runs on port 14999 and has HTTPS enabled. The management service (see below) has been configured in the Server Settings to run with URL folder Management for windows authentication and Management/Custom for custom authentication. If you want to connect to that service with custom authentication, the correct URL would be: https://MDEPLOY:14999/Management/Custom.

Which services are available and what protocols, ports, and Authentication methods are available for each service can be configured in the Server Settings.


This chapter describes all services available in Mail & Deploy.

Management Service

The management service is a user interface service to which Users can connect to in order to perform administrative tasks (such as managing Users) and to manage content (such as designing a Report or setting up a Task). Users connecting to the management service need to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

  • They must be of type Administrator.
  • They must have an Authorization with a Manage Content permission in at least one Workspace.

The following Authentication methods are available for the management service:

  • Windows Authentication
  • Custom Authentication
  • Azure AD Authentication

Hub Service

The hub service is a user interface service that allows Users to connect to the Hub which is a self-service portal where users can request the creation of report documents or the execution of Tasks. Users connecting to the hub service need to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

  • They must be of type Administrator.
  • They must have an Authorization with a Request Reports or Execute Task permission for at least one Workspace.
  • They must have an Authorization with a Request permission for at least one Report.
  • They must have an Authorization with a Execute permission for at least one Task.

The following Authentication methods are available for the hub service:

  • Windows Authentication
  • Custom Authentication
  • Azure AD Authentication

API Service

The API service is a service that does not provide a user interface but instead provides a programmatic interface for 3rd party developers to connect to Mail & Deploy through the API. Users connecting to the API service need to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

  • They must be of type Administrator.
  • They must be of type API User.

The following Authentication methods are available for the API service:

  • Custom Authentication
  • Access Key Authentication

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