Report Document Requests
  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Report Document Requests

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Article summary


The  button of the extension can be used to request a report document created from a Report.


The request has the following properties:


ReportThe Report to request. Only reports configured in the extension are allowed; if the extension is in impersonated mode, only reports for which the User has a request Authorization will be displayed.
File TypeThe file type in which to create the report document. The available file types depend on the type of the selected report.
Immediate DownloadWhen enabled, the report document will be immediately available for download after it has been created.
Send By E-MailWhen enabled, the report document will be sent to the user by e-mail when it has been created. This property is only available if the extension is in impersonated mode.
Apply Current FilterWhen enabled, the data contained in the report document will be limited by the current selection.

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