Introduction to Identity Providers
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Introduction to Identity Providers

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Article summary


Identity providers can be used to grant Users access to Mail & Deploy, add them to User Groups, and grant them Authorizations without having to create them manually or through the synchronization with a User Directory. The following types of identity providers are supported:

Managing Identity Providers

To manage identity providers you have to connect to the Management Service of Mail & Deploy, click the Settings item in the main menu, and then click the Identity Providers tile. This will provide you with a list of all configured identity providers; you can edit or delete existing identity providers or configure new ones.


Only Users of type Administrator can manage identity providers.

Just-in-Time Provisioning

When you use identity providers, Users do not have be added to Mail & Deploy manually or by synchronizing them with a User Directory. Instead, whenever a user authenticates through an identity provider, Mail & Deploy will check whether that user has access to Mail & Deploy (more details can be found in the documentation parts covering specific identity providers) and will create/update the User and link that user to User Groups on the fly.

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