User Groups
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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User Groups

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Article summary


User groups are collection of Users.


Every user group has the following properties:

NameThe name of the user group.
MembersA collection of Users which are members of the group.

Managing User Groups

There are two ways to manage user groups in Mail & Deploy.

Management Service

You can connect to the Management Service user interface of Mail & Deploy and click the User Groups item in the main menu. This will provide you with a list of all user groups currently known to Mail & Deploy.


Only users of type Adminstrator may manage users through the Management Service. If you don't see the User Groups item in the main menu, the most likely reason is that you are not a user of that type.

From the user list, you can then start to edit or delete existing user groups as well as create new user groups manually.

User Directory Synchronization

You can synchronize user groups with User Directories by manually clicking the Synchronize button in the user directory management user interface of Mail & Deploy or you can use a Synchronize User Directory Action in a Task.

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