File Collections
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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File Collections

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Article summary


File collections are collections of files such as external files or report documents which are valid in the context of the execution of a single Task. They can be used to group files together and distribute them.

Example: Suppose you have a Task in which you create a report document using a Create Report Document Action and you want to distribute the created report document and an additional external file (e.g. marketing material) by e-mail. In such a scenario, you can create a file collection, add the report document and the external file to the collection and then distribute the file collection by e-mail.


Every file collection has the following properties:


NameThe name of the file collection.
ContentA collection of files which are contained in the file collection.

Managing File Collections

Creating a File Collection

To create a file collection, you have to add a Create File Collection Action to the Task in which you want to use the file collection. The file collection has to be created before you do anything else with the collection (e.g. adding content to the file collection).
#### Managing Content of a File Collection
You can use the following actions to manage the content of a file collection:


Add Content To File Collection ActionThis type of action can be used to add content (such as a report documents or external files) to the file collection.
Remove All Content From File Collection ActionThis type of action can be used to remove all files which are currently contained in a file collection.

Using File Collections

The following actions can be invoked to use file collections you have created and filled with content:


Save Content To File System ActionYou can use this type of action to save a file collection to the file system.
Send E-Mail ActionThis type of action can be used to send a file collection by e-mail.
Upload Content To FTP ActionThis type of action can be used to upload a file collection to an FTP server.
Upload Content To SharePointYou can use this type of action to upload a file collection to a SharePoint folder.

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