  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark


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Article summary


The following requirements have to be fulfilled before installing Mail & Deploy Server:

  • A windows account with local administrator rights to perform the installation.
  • .NET Framework 4.8 needs to be installed
  • At least 1 GB of hard disk space.
  • A windows account to be used as the Service Account which will run the server and needs to fulfill all requiements.
  • If you want to use Mail & Deploy with QlikView Documents, a local desktop client which is licensed for the Service Account needs to be installed and the respective QlikView Documents need to be accessible through the file system or through a QVP URL when connecting to a QlikView Server instance (see QlikView Datasources for more information).
  • If you want to send e-mails using Mail & Deploy you need the configuration details of an SMTP server (host, port, authentication details).

Other hardware requirements such as CPU cores and RAM are strongly dependent on the complexity of the data models you want to access, the amount of reports you want to create etc. Therefore general advice cannot be given.

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