  • 04 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark


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Article summary


The string data type contains data in textual format and can hold a number of unicode characters. A detailed explanation of the string data type can be found in the  String Data-Type article of the Visual Basic .NET language documentation.


Constant string values have to be enclosed in double-quotes; the following expression returns the string Hello World:

Mail & Deploy Expression

"Hello World"


The string data type supports the following operators:

& (Concatenation)

You can concatenate two strings by using the & operator. The following example combines two string constants:

Mail & Deploy Expression

"Hello " & "World"

The following expression returns the constant string Today is: concatenated with the current Date-Time formatted to a string with a Format String of dd.MM.yyyy (e.g. Today is: 31.12.2021) using the Format function:

Mail & Deploy Expression

"Today is: " & Format(DateTime.Today, "dd.MM.yyyy")

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