Hub Input Field Specifications
  • 18 Sep 2024
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Hub Input Field Specifications

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Article summary


A hub input field specification contains configuration settings for the input field of values in the Hub.

Example: The hub input field specification of a Report Parameter can be used to configure the input field that users can use to provide values for the parameter in the Hub.


Every hub input field specification has the following properties:


TypeThe type of input field.

Text-Field. When selecting this option, the user will have a free text field where the value can be typed in.

Date-Time Field. When selecting this option, the user will have an input field to select a date and, optionally, a time.

Drop-Down Field. When selecting this option, the user will have a drop-down input field from which he can select a value.

Browsable Field. When selecting this option, the user will have a browsable field where a value can be searched and selected.
Display IndexThis property controls the order of the input field (which is only applicable if there are at least two parameters for which there are input fields). The higher the value the further down the input field will be displayed.
HiddenWhen checked, the input field will not be visible to the user.
Allow Multiple ValuesDetermines whether the user may provide more than one value for the parameter.
Allow To Specify TimeDetermines whether - in addition to the date component - the user may also provide a time component. This property is only applicable if Type is Date-Time Field.
SourceCustom. When selecting this option, you can specify a list of Expressions evaluating to the values from which the user may select.

Value Table. When selecting this option, you can select a Value Table that determines the values from which a user may select.

User Name. When selecting this option, the value of the parameter will be the name of the user authenticated in the hub.

User E-Mail Address. When selecting this option, the value of the parameter will be the e-mail address of the user authenticated in the hub.

This property is not applicable for all input field types.
Value TableThe Value Table from which to read values that the user may select from. This property only applicable if Source is set to Value Table.

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