Version 3.5.8
  • 05 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Version 3.5.8

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Article summary

Breaking Change

This version has breaking changes which you will manually have to adjust for.
Please read the entries in the Breaking Changes section and perform the steps described in the description.

Breaking Changes

  • Review Version 3.5.0 release notes.
  • Added the possibility for Microsoft 365 Outlook E-Mail servers to have sender and reply-to e-mail addresses. This is a breaking change, as the currently set UserId will not be transferred to the new version. If using Microsoft 365 Outlook E-Mail server, do not upgrade to this version. Only install this version if installing M&D for the first time. For more information, see What to take care of when using Microsoft 365 Outlook E-Mail Server?.
  • Fixed issue with returning empty result when either side of an '&' concatenation in expression is empty. For example if you had an expression "a" & b and b was an expression which returned nothing, then the entire result would be nothing rather than just "a" as expected.
  • (Possibly breaking change) Use HTTP 403/Forbidden when user is unauthorized via an Open ID provider (rather than 401/Unauthorized)

Bug Fixes

  • App selection dropdown now populates for Qlik Sense Saas datasource if space not found for app (previously this would prevent any apps from being listed).
  • Improved validation for openid name field (prevent spaces).
  • Fixed an issue with processing a certain number format from Qlik Sense.
  • Execution logs an now be written to the file system.
  • Improved debug logging for OIDC and HTTP events.
  • Fixed Vizlib Pivot Table color bugs.
  • Fix bug where PowerPoint errors with repeater if field empty and number of repeated items > 1.

Known Issues

  • The Datasources that were defined to use Custom Windows Account are set to Service Account after the upgrade. Please set it back to Custom Windows Account manually.
  • There is a timeout with the Vizlib Pivot Table as Chart element when using it together with Qlik Sense November 2023 Patch 2 and higher and having more than 10 Vizlib charts in the same report.
  • Need to manually restart Mail & Deploy if you set a custom callback URL for the Azure AD User Directory.
  • M&D doesn't support html code in the Vizlib Pivot and Vizlib Table headers. It does support html code in the data values.

Setup Files

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