MySQL Databases
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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MySQL Databases

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Article summary


These types of datasources represent the connection to a MySQL database.


MySQL Server Datasources have the following properties: This type of datasource has the following properties:


NameThe name of this datasource. This does not have to be the name of the database on the MySQL instance.
HostThe host (i.e. the IP address or computer name including the instance name) of the MySQL instance to connect to.
Use Custom PortWhen this setting is enabled, a custom provided port will be used to connect to the MySQL instance.
Custom PortThe custom port used to connect to the MySQL instance. This property is only applicable when Use Custom Port is enabled.
TypeThe type of credentials to use to connect to the MySQL instance.
UsernameTThe username or windows account name used to connect to the MySQL instance.
PasswordThe password used to connect to the MySQL instance.
DatabaseThe name of the database to connect to.

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