Introduction to Placeholders
  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Introduction to Placeholders

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Article summary


Placeholders can be used in Expressions to dynamically insert values into the expression at runtime.

Example: The Save Content To File System Action has an Output Path property which is an Expression that returns the path to save the content to. You can use a Global Variable Value Placeholder in that expression that references a Global Variable that contains the path (or parts of the path) to save the content to.

The following types of placeholders are supported:

Placeholder Type

Datasource Field ValueA placeholder that can be used to insert the value of a Datasource field.
Datasource Object TitleA placeholder that can be used to insert the title of a Datasource object.
Datasource Variable ValueA placeholder that can be used to insert the value of a Datasource variable.
Expression ParameterA placeholder that can be used to insert the value of an Expression parameter.
Global Variable ValueA placeholder that can be used to insert the value of a Global Variable.
Report ParameterA placeholder that can be used to insert the value of a Report parameter. This placeholder can only be used in Expressions within a report.
Task ParameterA placeholder that can be used to insert the value of a Task parameter. This placeholder can only be used in Expressions within a taks.

You can use multiple placeholders in a single Expression; however, not all types of placeholders are supported in all expressions (e.g. the Task Parameter Placeholder can only be used in expressions within a Task).

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