Image Reports
  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Image Reports

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Article summary


Image reports are image files (e.g. PNG, BMP, JPEG) created from a single Datasource object (e.g. a single chart visualization).


You can access the properties of an image report in two ways:

  • Launch the Management Service, click Reports in the main menu and then click the edit button for the report you want to edit.
  • Start the Report Designer for the report you want to edit or design and select the report item in the content explorer.

The following properties are available:


NameThe name of the report.
Document TitleAn Expression that evaluates to a string the represents the title to be assigned to report documents created from the report. If you leave this property empty, the Name of the report will be used as the title of report documents created from the report. The document title should be a short description of the report document (e.g. Monthly Report 2020/01 for David Laychak); the document title will for instance be used in the Library of the Hub.
ConditionAn optional condition Expression; if it returns True or 1 the condition is considered to be fulfilled and a report document will be created. If it returns something other than True or 1 the creation of the report document will be cancelled. If you leave this property empty, the condition is considered to be always fulfilled. The condition expression is evaluated after the preparation Actions of the report have been executed.
Preparation ActionsA list of Actions that will be executed before the report document creation starts; preparation actions can for instance be used to filter a Datasource.
Document TagsA list of optional Expressions where each expression returns a String that represents a tag that will be assigned to report documents created from the report. Tags can be searched when filtering report documents in the Hub Library.
ObjectThe Datasource object from which to create an image.
WidthThe width of the output image in pixels.
HeightThe height of the output image in pixels.
Scale %The scale percentage used when exporting the image. If you choose values lower than 100 %, the datasource object will be extracted with a larger size than the placeholder in the template and then scaled down to fit the placeholder size. When setting a value higher than 100 % the datasource object will be extracted with a smaller size than the placeholder and then scaled up.

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