Expression Parameter
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Expression Parameter

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Article summary


Some Expressions have additional parameters that may be used within the expression. This type of placeholder can be used to access one of these parameters.

your title goes here

Example: Expressions of style properties of a Table Style have a CellValue parameter that contains the value of the cell for which the style property is being evaluated.


The syntax for this type of placeholder is:

Expression Parameter Placeholder Syntax



Let's suppose you write an Expression for the Font property of a Table Cell Style; in that context, the CellValue expression parameter is available, which contains the value of the cell for which the style property is being evaluated. An expression could look like this:

Expression Parameter Placeholder Example

If([CellValue] = "David", "Arial", "Tahoma")

If the value of the cell for which the style property is being evaluated equals David, the cell will have the font Arial; otherwise the font Tahoma will be used.

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