Execution Plans
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Execution Plans

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Article summary


Execution plans are used to control the automatic execution of Tasks, Subscriptions, and Alerts.


Every execution plan has the following properties:


ActiveWhen disabled, the execution plan is not active and no executions based on the execution plan will be performed.
Time ZoneThe time zone on which dates and times of the execution plan will be based.
StartThe start date-time of the execution plan; this is typically the date-time on which you want the first execution to be performed.
Has EndWhen enabled, the execution plan as an end date after which no executions based on the execution plan will be performed.
EndThe end date of the execution plan after which no executions based on the execution plan will be performed. This property is only applicable if the property Has End is enabled.
Maximum DelayThe maximum time-span by which a specific execution may be delayed (e.g. if there are not enough execution plans available or the server is not running) before the execution is skipped.
FrequencyThe frequency used for individual execution of the execution plan, calculated from the date-time set in the Start property.

Daily. The execution will take place every day.

Selected Days Of Week. The execution will take place on all selected week days.

Weekly. The execution will take place on a weekly basis (every 7 days).

Monthly. The execution will take place on a monthly basis.

Quarterly. The execution will take place on a quarterly basis (every 3 months).

Yearly. The execution will take place on a yearly basis.

Custom. The execution will take place using a custom interval.

Calendar. The execution will take place based on a Calendar.
Days Of WeekThe days of week on which the execution shall take place. This property is only applicable if Frequency is set to Selected Days Of Week.
Set To Last Day Of MonthWhen enabled, the execution will be forced to take place on the last day of the month into which the execution falls. This property is only applicable if Frequency is set to Monthly or Quarterly.
IntervalThe interval between individual executions of the execution plan. This property is only applicable if Frequency is set to Custom.
CalendarThe Calendar on which the executions shall be based. This property is only applicable if Frequency is set to Calendar.
Use Custom TimeWhen enabled, only the dates of the Calendar will determine when execution will take place and a custom time can be entered that overwrites the times of the date-time entries of the calendar. When disabled, the execution will take time at the date-times contained in the calendar. This property is only applicable if Frequency is set to Calendar.
Custom TimeThe custom time on which executions shall take place; executions will take place on the days contained in the Calendar at the time specified here. This property is only applicable if Frequency is set to Calendar and Use Custom Time is enabled.

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