Server QlikView Documents
  • 04 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Server QlikView Documents

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Article summary


This type of datasource connects to a QlikView document on a QlikView server using a QVP URL. The Service Account needs to have access to the QVW on the QlikView server.


This type of datasource has the following properties:

NameThe name of this datasource. This does not have to be the name of the QVW file.
QVP URLThe QVP URL of the QlikView document. You can get the QVP URL by launching QlikView Desktop Client and opening the QVW; the title bar will then display the QVP URL.
Use Custom Section Access CredentialsThis setting needs to be disabled if the QlikView document does not use section access. If the QlikView document does use section access and the Mail & Deploy Service Account is an NTNAME section access user, the property needs to be disabled as well. The property needs to be enabled if you need to specify a USERID section access user (see  QlikView Section Access Management).
UsernameThe USERID of the section access user to use to open the QVW document. This property is only applicable if Use Custom Section Access Credentials is enabled.
PasswordThe password associated with the USERID to use to open the QVW document. This property is only applicable if Use Custom Section Access Credentials is enabled.
Set Filter Before Rebuilding CacheWhen enabled a filter can be set before the cache of the datasource (see Datasources) is rebuilt. This can help speeding up the cache rebuilding process, especially for very large or complex data models.
Filter Field NameThe name of the field to filter before rebuilding the cache. This property is only applicable if Set Filter Before Rebuilding Cache is enabled.
Filter ValueAn Expression that returns the value to filter to before rebuilding the cache. This property is only applicable if Set Filter Before Rebuilding Cache is enabled.
Click Button Before Rebuilding CacheWhen enabled, you can specify a Button ID; this is the ID of a button object within the QlikView document that shall be clicked before rebuilding the cache of the datasource datasource (see Datasources).
Button IDThe ID of the button object within the QlikView document to be clicked before rebuilding the cache of the datasource. This property is only applicable when Click Button Before Rebuilding Cache is enabled.

Section Access

If the QlikView document is protected using Section Access there are two ways to allow Mail & Deploy to access that QlikView document (see  QlikView Section Access Management).


Mail & Deploy always needs a section access with an ACCESS of ADMIN to the QlikView document.

NTNAME access

If the Mail & Deploy Service Account exists as an NTNAME section access user in the QlikView document, the property Use Custom Section Access Credentials does not need to be enabled.

USERID access

You can also add a custom USERID section access entry to the section access user list of the QlikView document. In that case, the property Use Custom Section Access Credentials needs to be enabled and you need to specify the USERID as Username and the associated password as Password.

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