Save Content To File System
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Save Content To File System

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Article summary


This type of action can be used to save content (such as external files or report documents) to the file system.


This type of action is not available in the SaaS version of Mail & Deploy.


This type of action has the following properties:


Content TypeThe type of content you want to save to the file system (see below).
Output PathAn Expression that evaluates to a string that contains the local or UNC path to save the content to. Mail & Deploy will automatically create required sub-directories.

Content Types

Saving a Report Document

You can save a report document (that you have previously created, for instance with a Create Report Document Action) by setting the Content Type to Report Document. An additional property Content will be available where you can select the report document you want to save. The Output Path property must return the local or UNC file path including the file name.

Saving an External File

You can save an external file to the file system by setting the property Content Type to External File. A new property Content Path will be available which is an Expression that evaluates to a string that contains a local or UNC file path to the external file to save. The Output Path property must return the local or UNC file path including the file name.

Saving a File Collection

You can save all files of a File Collection by setting the property Content Type to File Collection. A new property Content will be available where you can select the file collection to save. The Output Path property must return the local or UNC path to the directory to which to save the files contained in the file collection.

Saving a Zipped File Collection

You can save a ZIP file that contains all files of a File Collection by setting the property Content Type to Zipped File Collection. A new property Content will be available where you can select the file collection to zip and save. The Output Path property must return the local or UNC path including the file name of the ZIP file.

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