File Type Settings
  • 31 Jan 2024
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File Type Settings

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Article summary


File type settings contain properties for certain file types which can be used by Mail & Deploy when creating a file of that file type or working with a file of that file type.

Example: Suppose you want to create a report document in Adobe PDF Document format using a Create Report Document Action and you want to protect the created PDF file with a password; the fact that the report document shall be protected with that password can be specified in the associated file type settings.

Adobe PDF Document File Type Settings

The following properties are available when specifying file type settings for Adobe PDF Documents:


QualityThe quality in which the PDF document shall be created. When set to High the focus will be set on quality which may result in larger file sizes; selecting Normal will balance quality and file size.
Has User PasswordDetermines whether the PDF document shall require users to enter a password before they can read the PDF document.
User PasswordThe password that users who want to open and read the PDF document are required to enter. This property is only applicable if Has User Password is enabled.
Has Owner PasswordDetermines whether the PDF document shall require users to enter a password before they can change the contents of the PDF document.
Owner PasswordThe password that users who want to edit the PDF document are required to enter. This property is only applicable if Has Owner Password is enabled.

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