Run Application
  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Run Application

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Article summary


This type of action can be used to run an external application (such as a batch or executable file).


This type of action is not available in the SaaS version of Mail & Deploy.


This type of action has the following properties:


Application PathAn Expression that evaluates to a String that contains the path to the application to execute.
ArgumentsAn optional Expression that evaluates to a String that contains commandline arguments to pass on to the application.
Run As Specific UserWhen disabled, the application will be run under the Service Account; when enabled, you can specifiy credentials of the windows account to run the application as.
Maximum Number of RetriesThe execution of the external application is considered successful, if the process returns exit code 0. If it does not, you can specify the maximum number of retries to perform.

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